Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced the state government is making earnest efforts to convert the Dhalli-Narkanda Road into a four-lane highway. Speaking at the inauguration of a Public Works Department (PWD) rest house at Fagu in Shimla district, he highlighted the project’s significance.
“The four-lane road will boost tourism in the region and benefit farmers and horticulturists,” Sukhu said.
The project aims to improve connectivity, increase agricultural market access, and attract more visitors to the scenic Himachal Pradesh region, thereby providing economic benefits to the locals.
As part of the state government’s focus on tourism, Sukhu announced plans to develop Fagu as a prominent tourist destination. He stated that Rs 25 lakh would be allocated to improve the Fagu-Sarion road, enhancing infrastructure in the area.
The newly inaugurated PWD rest house in Fagu, built at a cost of Rs 1.80 crore, is another step toward enhancing amenities for tourists and officials visiting the region.
During his address, Sukhu criticised the previous BJP government for “misusing” the state’s resources. Highlighting the efficiency of his administration, he stated, “The BJP government generated Rs 600 crore from liquor in five years, while the present government achieved the same amount in just one year through liquor auction reforms.”
Sukhu emphasized that his government has brought about policy changes to implement welfare schemes aimed at benefiting the people of Himachal Pradesh.
The Chief Minister reiterated his government’s commitment to making Himachal Pradesh self-reliant through the ‘Vyavstha Parivartan’ initiative. By focusing on infrastructure development, tourism promotion, and revenue optimisation, Sukhu aims to ensure sustainable growth for the state.
“Our government is determined to transform the state’s economic landscape by fostering better governance and creating avenues for development,” he concluded.
With ambitious infrastructure projects like the four-lane Dhalli-Narkanda Road and investments in tourism, Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu’s government is working to boost the economy and improve the quality of life for the people of Himachal Pradesh. The combination of policy reforms and strategic development reflects a vision for a more prosperous and self-reliant state.