In January 2024, we figured that Africa’s deepwater development, which was on pause for most of 2023, was looking to inch back up in 2024.
It has stepped up even farther.
TOTALEnergies took Financial Investment Decision (FID) for the Angolan Block 20 development in the first half of 2024. It’s the acreage holding the pre-salt discoveries of Cameia and Golfinho.
Nigeria’s deepwater development was back on the front burner, with Shell taking FID to develop the Bonga North accumulation, expecting output to peak at over 100,000BOPD after first oil is achieved by 2028. It was the first FID taken for a >100,000BOPD project in the country in 11 years.
Nigeria may be in the news again for FID in 2025: the TOTAL operated Preowei field which was put on hold in 2020 is edging close to commercial sanction.
First Oil started flowing from the Sangomar field off Senegal in June 2024. First gas from the Greater Tortue Ahmeyin (GTA) Floating LNG project, off Senegal/Mauritania, was commissioned in the last weeks of 2024 after FPSO delays. In Côte d’Ivoire, the second of three-phased Baleine deepwater field production commenced two days to the end of the year. It will take the field’s crude oil output to 60,000Barrels of Oil per Day and natural gas production to 80Million standard cubic feet per day (MMscf/d).
Activity did not return to the site of the 13Million Tonne Per Annum Mozambique LNG project, which monetises the largest deepwater hydrocarbon reservoirs under development on the continent.
Namibia continues to be extremely busy with the drill bit, but one big story expected in 2025 is the financing close for BW Energy led Kudu Gas to Wire project. The Kudu gas accumulation is located in relatively shallow water: 170metres, so it’s out of the scope of this edition’s main cover stories.
The Africa Oil+Gas Report is the primer of the hydrocarbon industry on the continent. It is the market leader in local contextualizing of global developments and policy issues and is the go-to medium for decision makers, whether they be international corporations or local entrepreneurs, technical enterprises or financing institutions. Published by the Festac News Press Limited since 2001, AOGR is a paid subscription, monthly e-copy publication delivered around the world. Its website remains, and the contact email address is Contact telephone numbers in the West African regional headquarters in Lagos are +2348124374087, +2348130733523, +2347062420127, +2348036525979, +2348023902519.
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