Yorkshire’s three Metro Mayors have united under a new White Rose Agreement to champion Yorkshire and work together across key areas where they share mutual priorities.
Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin, South Yorkshire’s Mayor Oliver Coppard, and Mayor of York and North Yorkshire David Skaith, signed the Agreement at the historic Selby Abbey which borders the three Mayoral areas.
The Agreement outlines the priority issues the Mayors will work on together as well as what they will champion and advocate for Yorkshire collectively at a national and international level.
The Agreement focuses on five key areas:
· Achieve good growth – including collaborating on Local Growth Plans, driving investment, creating jobs and making Yorkshire the forefront of the green industrial revolution.
· Promoting Yorkshire – champion Yorkshire as a place to do business, attract international investment, enhancing the visitor economy and attract high profile cultural and sporting events.
· Improve rail connectivity – continue to advocate for Northern Powerhouse Rail and for the upgrading of the East Coast Mainline and continue to work with the government to increase capacity at Leeds, Sheffield and York stations.
· Improve cross-border bus services – work together to improve services and deliver bus reform to connect towns and cities within Yorkshire.
· Keep our communities safe – work together in their Police and Crime Commissioner roles to tackle violence against women and girls, cross-border crime, organised crime and youth crime prevention.
Following the 2 May 2024 Mayoral elections there are now three directly elected regional Mayors in Yorkshire with a combined population of 4.5 million people.
The White Rose Agreement will allow the Mayors to harness the powers of devolution to improve the lives of the millions of people they represent and work together towards collective goals for the whole of Yorkshire.
The White Rose Agreement recognises the power and authority the Mayors have in their own respective areas to improve the lives of people who live there with solutions that are right for them, but seeks to bring the Mayors together where working together on shared objectives can lead to better outcomes for Yorkshire as a whole.
The Mayors were joined by Council Leaders from the Mayoral Combined Authority areas who have all backed the White Rose Agreement. Mayors and Leaders will all work together to deliver on the priority areas.
The three Yorkshire Mayors also announced that they are already delivering on the ambitions in the White Rose Agreement with Lord David Blunkett leading a review for them on improving connectivity across Yorkshire which will be submitted to the government. Lord Blunkett is a political heavyweight who will bring his considerable experience to help deliver a better future for people who live, work and visit Yorkshire and his appointment shows what can be achieved by the three Mayors working together.
Following the elections for the Hull and East Yorkshire Mayor in May all three Mayor’s will seek to work closely with them and discuss being involved in the White Rose Agreement.
South Yorkshire’s Mayor, Oliver Coppard, said: “We’re more than lucky to be able to call Gods Own Country our home. Not just because of our past but because of our future. And as the three Mayors who represent our region, we’re determined to build that future together; to build on the huge opportunities in front of us, and to be tackling our long-standing challenges.
“We are coming together at this moment because devolution gives us the chance to work together to take that future into our own hands; to grow not just South Yorkshire’s economy, or Yorkshire’s economy, but to play our full part in the renewal of the whole of the UK. Together we can tackle the transport challenges that have held us back, bring in the investment that will amplify our huge ambition, and create more good jobs in the industries of the future.
“And we now have a partner in government who want to not only recognise that ambition but to work with us to achieve it.
“I couldn’t be more pleased to be able to work with my friends Tracy and David to launch this White Rose Agreement, and to be celebrating and championing our region together on behalf of the millions of people we represent. We’re the biggest and best region in the country and we’re going to be even louder than ever.”
Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire said: “Joining forces with Oliver and David will amplify efforts as we work with the government to boost growth and opportunities here in Yorkshire and across the UK.
“The White Rose Agreement is devolution in action and ushers in a golden era of partnership working across God’s Own Country to boost our economy.
“Our ambitions extend well beyond our boundaries, which is why I’m delighted to be working with Lord Blunkett who will review rail services and infrastructure across Yorkshire, so that we can identify the best way to boost connections and growth.”
Mayor of York and North Yorkshire, David Skaith, said: “People across Yorkshire have a strong local identity, but when it comes to keeping communities safe, getting to work or college, or doing business, people don’t care about boundaries between one area of Yorkshire or another. They just care that they’re connected to opportunity and that’s what the White Rose Agreement is all about.
“Yorkshire is a place that’s beloved by the people in it, and as a globally recognised brand. We want to share the unique strengths we each bring to the table, to ensure that we’re championing the region as a great place to live, work, visit and invest.
“Working together, we want every town, every rural hamlet, every coastal community, as well as our big cities, to feel the benefits of our collective ambition to deliver more for the people that we serve.”
Lord Blunkett said: “Decent transport connections are key to economic growth and a society where opportunities are spread across the country.
“Today’s White Rose Agreement is a historic day for Yorkshire and a foundation on which we can build.
“I’m very pleased to work with Yorkshire’s Mayors on this by leading a review on improving rail connections and services for the north.”