There are Combined Cycle, Coal Thermal, Hydraulic, Nuclear, Geothermal Solar, Wind, Biomass Power plants and so on.
Types of power plant is varied by types of fuel(coal, natural gas, petroleum, nuclear and renewable) they use.
Usually Combined Cycle, Coal Thermal, Hydraulic, Nuclear Power Plants are over 1,000 MW and it is called Megaprojects.
Combined Cycle Power Plant compose of Gas Turbine (G/T) → HRSG → Steam Turbine(S/T) → Generator → Cooling tower → Substation(Transformer)
CCPP produces up to 50 % more electrical efficiency by using G/T and S/T together.
Thermal Power Plant is also called as combustion power plants, which produces a mechanical power by using a steam boiler fueled from coal, natural gas, heating oil. It does not have Gas Turbine (G/T) and uses steam boiler. Coal is most used in Thermal Power Plant since it is the most abundant fossil fuel and relatively cheap.
Water with high pressure flows through large steel pipes called pressurized water pipes, creating giant water columns with great pressure going inside the factory
Strong flowing water turns the generators turbine; mechanical energy is converted into electricity.
The generated electricity passes through the transformer to generate a high voltage current.
High-voltage current will be connected to the electricity distribution network and transmitted to cities.